Virtual Try-On Experience for Fashion Retailer

Project Title: Virtual Try-On Experience for Fashion Retailer
Client: TrendyThreads Fashion Co.
Industry: Retail/Fashion
Date: March 2024
Objective: To enhance the online shopping experience by implementing an AR solution that allows customers to virtually try on clothing and accessories.

Project Overview

TrendyThreads Clothing Co., a leading fashion retailer, sought to revolutionize their online shopping experience with augmented reality. Our goal was to provide customers with a virtual try-on feature that allows them to see how clothes would look on them before making a purchase.

Key Challenges

  • Accurate body measurements and proportions for diverse customers.
  • Real-time rendering of clothing items on different body types.
  • Integration with existing e-commerce platform.
  • Ensuring optimal performance across various devices and network conditions.

Solution Enovista Digital Ltd developed a cutting-edge virtual try-on solution tailored to TrendyThreads’ specific needs. Our approach included:

  • Advanced body scanning technology: To accurately capture customer body measurements and create personalized virtual avatars.
  • High-quality 3D clothing models: To ensure realistic and detailed representation of garments.
  • Real-time rendering engine: To provide seamless and interactive try-on experiences.
  • Seamless integration: With TrendyThreads’ e-commerce platform for a unified customer journey.
  • Performance optimization: To deliver smooth experiences even on slower devices.

Technologies Used

  • ARKit/ARCore: For device-specific AR capabilities.
  • Unity: As the primary development platform for creating the virtual try-on experience.
  • Computer Vision: For body measurement estimation and pose tracking.
  • 3D Modeling Software (e.g., Blender, Maya): For creating detailed clothing models.
  • Cloud-based rendering: To handle complex calculations and improve performance.

Development Process

  1. Concept and Planning:
    • Initial meeting with TrendyThreads to understand their goals and target audience.
    • Defining project scope and deliverables.
    • Creating project timeline and resource allocation.
  2. Technology Selection and Setup:
    • Research and selection of appropriate AR and development tools.
    • Setting up the development environment.
  3. Body Scanning and Avatar Creation:
    • Development of body scanning algorithms and interface.
    • Creation of a diverse library of virtual avatars to represent different body types.
  4. 3D Clothing Modeling:
    • Collaboration with TrendyThreads to obtain product data.
    • Creation of high-quality 3D models for clothing items.
    • Implementation of texture mapping and material properties.
  5. Virtual Try-On Development:
    • Development of the core try-on functionality using Unity.
    • Integration of body scanning and 3D clothing models.
    • Optimization for real-time performance.
  6. Integration with E-commerce Platform:
    • Integration of the virtual try-on feature into TrendyThreads’ website.
    • Ensuring seamless user experience across different devices.
  7. Testing and Refinement:
    • Rigorous testing on various devices and platforms.
    • User testing to gather feedback and make improvements.
  8. Launch and Support:
    • Deployment of the virtual try-on feature on TrendyThreads’ website.
    • Ongoing monitoring and support.


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Performance Metrics:

  • User Engagement:
    • Average Time on Product Pages: Increased by 45% from 1.8 minutes to 2.6 minutes.
    • AR Feature Usage Rate: 35% of website visitors interacted with the AR feature.
  • Conversion Rate:
    • Increased Sales: Conversion rates increased by 30%, from 2.5% to 3.25%.
  • Return Rate:
    • Reduction in Returns: Product return rates decreased by 25%, from 15% to 11.25%.
  • Social Media Impact:
    • Shares: 15,000+ shares of virtual try-on images within the first month.
    • Engagement: 50,000+ likes and comments on shared images.

The AR try-on feature has transformed our online shopping experience. Our customers love the ability to see how products look on them before making a purchase. The integration was smooth, and the Enovista team provided exceptional support throughout the project.

Hannah Tilly

CEO, TrendyThreads Fashion Co.

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